Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Who wants to watch me?

I'm sorry if it seemed like I'm posting more text based blogs lately. So, I've been giving some serious thought on getting a join me account and streaming myself coloring? I'll be honest, I've got a couple of reasons why I don't want to. For one, I'm easily distracted. I've noticed that I'd work for a while then just stop and web serf or watch videos or work on something else. I'm sure no one wants to watch me google anime backgrounds for references. For another reason, I kind of like not letting you know what I'm working on. Yeah, it's a dick reason. I do the same thing when it's my night to cook dinner. I like surprising people. If I decide to start streaming I promise to try and stay on focus. Honestly I'd like to chat with someone while coloring for a change.  Well, chat about what I'm coloring anyway.

So, post a comment with you're opinion.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

New Artists showcase

Yes, I started to color a new artist's work. I know my Blog is extremely Matt heavy. I know you don't care, but I do. I feel like this is the Matt color blog despite the few posts of other artists. I do try to find other artists. The ones I find that I have interest in either don't reply or say no when I ask to color their work. This guy says he's not good at coloring and anyone can do it.  His/her name is SHM or Shonungm on rule 34 paheal.

SHM only had three pic I found that I was interested in. I enjoyed working on these. They're characters you don't see as much.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Old friends

Okay new longer comic this time. I finally got around doing another one. It took a while. I'll be honest I don't really get this story. I don't mind cross-over, but the back story just befuddles me. Naruto and Orihime were once an item, Naruto lives in a modern city, and he has his ninja powers.  I know it's a request. 

So, over all I liked it. I enjoy doing something other than Naruto characters. Plus I like being about to have fun with underwear and such. I wanted to do more with the backgrounds. I wanted more pics in the back, but I have limited options. Now for the real I wanted to do this.

Yes, I love this censor. I wanted to color this comic just for this censor. I again wanted to do more with the background, but I have limited skills.

Does anyone else want too see a comic about the Matt-cave? Not just a censor comic, but a full out comic. Like a phantom of the Opera parody; with Matt trying to get things done and "the Phantom of the Cave" keeps racking things.

Sad news people, I'm afraid I don't have a blog comic this time either I know it's been about four posts since I did one and it's the whole reason  you come here. I'm being facetious of course I know no one cares about this and have stopped reading if you ever were in the first place.