a little sexy Naruhina cupcakes I made and Naruko presenting Matt with a really "sweet treat." Of course what kind of gift is just a picture of lousy cupcakes and a pour shop pic he draw. So here's a crap load of color he drew
a sexy yuri action from Naruko Hinata in school girl outfits. I couldn't really decide on some colors so I made them the colors from the Bible Black uniform. Then we have Kei trying out a different way of dealing with an enemy.
Not much to say here really just some run of the mill Naruto gang-bagging.
some bukkake love with some Tsunade foot job action. then team 7 and the Anko angles having some fun.
More gang-bagging but this time it's just good old NaruHina.

two loving couples sharing a naughty little. Originally Ino's bra and pantings where pink then I decided to have some fun and make them leopard print.
here we have Tsunade with two of her tender lovers. Well knowing Tsunade they will be Tender after a night with her HIHIYO! ...... Ed McMahon? no? go ask your parents.
Here we have the beautiful Hinata.
awesome :D