Sunday, July 22, 2012

Inocho plus

Hi everyone I know it might have been a little since I posted. no excuse Just lazy. I did recently reacted 80,000 blog views. It might not be much compared to others but I think it's an accomplishment.  I wanted to do something big but the heat wave plus work and kind of taking some steam out of me. So here's what I got.
so first we have the two paged comic from Matt Ino and Choji making love. Then we have my second request to color something Hinata and Sakura wrestling. Not normally what I do since it's not porn or rather it's not the kind of thing I post here. how ever I did it anyway. I have some plans I'm working on. 

Thanks for the views


  1. Hello, I was wondering if you could do a colored version of Mattwilson83's Taming the Kyuubi, please.

  2. Thank you for coloring the Sakura Vs Hinata Wrestling!

  3. Hello i am isaac619 i am the person who thought of "Konan va Hinata" drwn by mattwilson83 of deviantart. may i ask that you color this one to?
