Greetings my children! Today is a special day all hallows eve. So, let us open the smut box of the damned. *clears throat.* sorry about that, been watching quite a lot of longbox of the damned.
I kind of throw this post today at last minute starting on it on Tuesday.
Here we have another wresting pic. I personally don't get it, I was never a wresting fan to begin with. I did the original so I decided to do this one for the purpose of the Halloween post. Personally I think if you're going for Cosplay the costumes could be better chosen. I don't mind Hinata's but if you want Konan to be in a skin tight outfit why not a helmet-less power ranger outfit, pilot outfit from evangelion, or even a Gantz poser suit. I don't blame this on Matt, I blame this on the lack of imagination of the commissioner.
yep, pretty straight forward. I tried to photo shop her hair to look like RtN Hinata, don't think it turned out that great.
Naruto and Hinata trying to go a costume party, but Hinata can't help herself but too give Naruto his treat early.
*dodges thrown tablet from Matt*
Stop throwing expansive sh*t at me!
a very crappy (but not the crappiest thing posted today) animation of Hinata's breast bouncing around. I couldn't really find anything good on how to animated bouncing breasts that wasn't about CGI.
See the full comic this is taken from here
well, that's all for Matt's stuff. now who want to see more of my crappy drawing in a comic plugging another person's blog? *gets balled up papers thrown at me.* Well too bad!
Here's the link: please check it out.
Well that's it for today, now if you excuse me I have a Hellsing ultimate marathon scheduled for today. Bitches love canons!
hey i'm scorch04 could color mattwilson83's matsumoto vs orihime? I came up with it.