Sunday, December 16, 2012

12 pics of XXX-mas

lol it's unfortunate that I didn't think of this till a yesterday. I would have loved to do this 12/12/12. Anyway I have twelve loving adult orientated pictures for you this fine December ever. 

Up first we have Santa delivering a very special gift to Naruto for all he has done. Let's play name all the references.   Bet you no one can. 
Here we have a wonderful pic or Yuko and Nikia having fun at a Christmas party. Special thanks to Matt who supplied me with the un-toned version of this pic from back in his HA days.

Here we have Miho playing around with a OC belonging to Sketchfan whose name escapes my at the moment. As well as a Pic of Team Anko have play time. 
Now here we have some fun time with The three Konoha rookie girls having a make out session. A collage piece of Kei have a fun time showing off her "talents" 
So here we have Lady Tsunade having a few drinks. While nothing "naughty" is showing it's still very fun. Along with Tsunade and Kakashi have fun time in her office. The second one was a sketch from that big sketch post Matt did. Originally Kakashi was just blank so I Photoshopped Kakashi's head. I don't care for it too much. 
Here we have fun Yuri time. Again more colored sketches from Matt's sketch book post.
Here's some Nice Medic Ninjas and Hinata showing Naruto all the fun to be had in medical care. 

Here we have just a pic of Kyuubi Naruto enslaves the girls with sexy fun. 
Here We have Naruto enjoying the companion of many sexyfine ladies. Originally Karui was a blank and I edited her in. I'm kind of proud of it actually. I was debating between Shuzine or Anko. If I had some more artistic talent I probably would have choose a girl no one knew or doesn't have much fanart of. Shiho, Tsume or Hana Inuzuka, Ameyuri Ringo, or even Mebuki Haruno. 

Well that's all twelve pics I have colored for you this time around. Maybe Next year I'll commission Matt for a real hentai parody of twelve days of Christmas, instead of  just a silly title.


  1. lolz glad to know you love nikia and the yuri trio, and btw the guy in the pic with miho is chino,lolz dunno whether to pity or envy him huh?XD
