Saturday, October 5, 2013

Sage Deo Shion I RETURN!

Hello all my lovely 'readers' who still remember me. I've been busy the past few months. Got an internship, got a career job, my car set it's self on fire, visiting relatives, car on fire again, buys a new car, and starts up college again.

 Well, enough of me today we have the return on Sage deo reaching 51 pages.

Sadly the winning poll commission is still very far off, but it's on the way. On page three I considered editing the "two days" to "two weeks." It makes more sense, but the joke is she too impatient. Well, I actually did do the edit just didn't color it.

that's all today folks. I've been working on another longer comic, just hasn't been making much progress. Also, I was asked to promote The Digger's new blogspot. For all those updates on his series like Sex Ed: Anko mitarashi.

good bye for now.

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